Thursday, April 21, 2011

Schools overrr

So, tomorrow is officially my last day of school this term. It's been crazy, but thank God i pulled through. Definitely the hardest term I've ever had, yet at the same time the most rewarding. I don't know why God decided to bless me so much this term, but I sure am thankful. So, I mentioned I got into Creative Quarterly on my last post, sorta. Which is kinda true, I didn't make it into the book, but I was a runner up, so my work will be displayed on their website sometime soon. :)))) wooohooo
Man, but I'm so ready for a break, I just wanna sleep now. I spent all last week and part of this week holed up in my house, doing nothing but like painting and stuff. Pure torture.
Strangely enough thoug, I'm not sick of drawing like I usually am after the terms over, I hope I still do pump out some work during this time. Hope you like these pieces up, one of them is an old painting I did last year. The other two are characters for the book, which I finally got printed and bound, and it looks really nice! Ill post it up in due time.

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